The fourth annual Byron Lighthouse Run is being held this Sunday October 16th.
With all proceeds going to NSW Cancer Council and charity organisations, event organiser Lisa Parkes says more than 400 competitors have already registered, up from previous years.
Byron fitness company, Stepping Stone Health and Fitness, have registered 20 participants for the fun run. David Gordon from Ray White Real Estate has offered to supply each Stepping Stone team member with finishers’ hydration drinks.
Another local team entering is Brookfarm, a breakfast and health food company. “Entering a couple of teams as part of the Byron Lighthouse Run is a great way for us to come together outside of work in a fun active way,” says co-organiser Pam Brook. “It’s also an opportunity for us to help raise funds for the NSW Cancer Council.”
The Byron Breast Cancer Support Group’s team, Pink Power, is after members for the fun. “We’ll blast off at 7am, leaving behind a cloud of pink to traverse one of the most beautiful scenic walks in the world,” says Barb Pinter, co-ordinator of the Byron Breast Cancer Support Group. “After the initial blast we will calm down and either walk or run to the lighthouse. ”
The 10km run or 8km walk starts at the Byron Bay Surf Club at 7am. To enter visit or phone 0412 856 488.